Friday, December 08, 2006

Noah's 7th Grade Concert

I can't tell you how awesome it was to hear my son perform on stage for the first time! He is so handsome in his tux, YES he is.

His group played five songs it was cool to hear all the instruments together after just hearing his Bass part for so long.

The kids have all been sick of late, one by one catching the stomach flu. So I have been upto my elbows in cleaning clothes, sheets, bathrooms etc. Enough said. Everyone is now back on the mend so I hope to catch up on some of the BLOG prompts I missed over the weekend.

Friday, December 01, 2006

No Christmas Gifts? ~

Ah, the question we've been asking for years, would Christmas be Christmas without the gifts?

In my family the true meaning of CHRISTmas has always been the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We work hard to make sure He is central to all our celebration during the holiday. We always do for others during the season getting our kids involved in gift giving for those in need. (Samaritan's Purse, Angel Tree, Habitat for Humanity & Heifer International our favorite charities) We also work hard to not overindulge in the gift giving to one another. Just as Jesus received three gifts from the Wise Men at his birth, our kids receive three gifts from Santa.

Ten or so years ago my family (who at the time consisted of my Mom, Dad, Me, Hubby, Our son, My Sister & Her Hubby, and My Brother) decided instead of giving each other gifts for Christmas to spend that money going away on a family vacation together. We chose skiing in Taos, New Mexico. So the deal was no cheating absolutely no gift giving at all, no tree at the condo or other trappings of the commercial part of Christmas. We would instead concentrate on the true meaning of Christmas by attended church and celebrating Christ's birthday. We found a wonderful historic church in Taos. The Christmas Eve service was very moving and I remember feeling so full of the Holy Spirit as we walked out with just candlelight illuminating the church. Christmas day there was singing, dancing, games galore, great food and conversation and of course skiing. We had a blast and going home agreed it was an awesome experience and we didn't miss all the extra Christmas HubBub.

However, a funny thing happened days, weeks later. One by one we all started admitting feeling sad even depressed that we cut out all the craziness of the holiday. Yes, Christmas comes every year without presents, papers, ribbons and bows and all the HubBub. But we discovered that somewhere deep inside us how we celebrate Christmas is deeply ingrained. As much fun as the trip to New Mexico was we decided that some part of us really needed the decorations and the tree, the traditional handed down for generations food, the look on each others faces when we open that very special gift that was purchased with such joy and love.

In the end my family found that we could blend celebrating the joy of Jesus' Birthday as well as feed our inner child and hold onto the traditions passed down in our family. We draw names each year for gift giving and rotate the hosting of the holiday feast. We are not together in person every year, so the year's we are are very special. Much of the HubBub of the holiday has been removed and we hold on to the parts that really mean something to our family. This has worked for us, because truth be told Christmas will always be Christmas no matter if there are no gifts at all. But the Spirit of CHRISTmas is spread in all we do to celebrate throughout the season. How we spend our time and money during this time speaks more then anything about who we are and what we hold dear to our hearts.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How old would you say you are, if you didn't actually know your age?

Um, Um, yeah I'll admit to fudging the whole age issue sometimes. However, other times I wear it like a badge. In my MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) group I am one of the oldest Mom's and I find it quite cool.

It is surprising to me at times that I am a Mom of four and in my ahem early 40's. In my mind and soul I still feel 28 0r 29. My hubby and closest friends would say I sometimes act like I'm 18, yeah I do have a stubborn, wild streak that pops up now and then.

In truth I hope my thinking and acting will always be 10 years behind my actual age. I plan to go kicking and screaming into my 50's and 60's. I make it a point not to do the math on how old I will be when my last precious child finishes college and my dear hubby and I become official empty nesters.

With any luck and a lot of prayer that day will find me energetic, open minded and ready to take on the world in a whole new way. I don't plan to slow down until the grandkids come! LOL

100 years use to be here.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Get Mortified ~ Teenage angst

I can hardly wait to get the book and read other people's teenage journals/poetry. When I moved a couple years ago I came across my teenage diaries. I laughed and cried it was like therapy to read my crazy entries and sappy deliriously bad poetry. Usually about some guy. Now that I have a son soon to be a teen it was good to revisit my diary thoughts and be reminded how seriously I took all my hurts, pain, and betrayals. It may be humorous to me now but I need to remember at the time it was completely tragic. Much like the poetry I will be unleashing on you today.

Back-story - I wrote this after things went very bad with my first serious boyfriend. I was very into tragic poetry and novels at the time and sickly enjoyed wallowing in grim tales of emotional pain and suffering.
The character here is my animated self or who I imagine my cartoon self
to be anyway. Hope she makes up for the bad poetry.

How does life become so completely numb?
Mindlessly going through the routine, unable to pause and understand the pain.
Lost words lie painfully on your tongue, jumbled up making no sense at all.
What’s black is white then turns to grey, print on the page blurred by youthful fantasy.
Tears quietly raining down and washing away dreams.
Wax seals are broken from promises long since made.
The brown paper quickly forgotten and thrown away.
Those lips once sweet are full of bitter words.
The eyes no longer suck you in but send fire to your soul.
The lovers are forever gone burnt ashes in the wind.
Friendship slowly slips away as hazy eyes awake.
A world re-born unconquered, fresh, lies beyond the doorway.
A single silhouette leaves her home to venture in a brave new way.
Her shield on and armor raised poised with her weapons for her prey.
An ugly world beneath the dream just like the last and next will be.
And yet each time she dares to believe that this one will last forever ~ her reality.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Favorite Cartoons - great posting idea!

Okay ~ first you need to know I have a wierd sense of humor. I enjoy cartoons that not only make me laugh but keep me doing that secret smile or audible laugh all day long. I really don't care if I get a sideways look from some stranger who thinks it's inappropriate to crack up in the line at the bank or in an elevator. Yeah, I have had people take a step away after one of my unprovoked giggles. I feel sad for them : (

All time favorite cartoon is Calvin & Hobbes, I still remember the last day it appeared in the paper. I was quite depressed. Luckily technology has stepped in I go to when ever I need to plug in my inner child. I remember one year for Christmas I gave my Mom a sweatshirt that I painted with a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon. She loved it!

TEE HEE HEE - who isn't going to laugh at this kind of humor. HEE HEE in this one I am imaging that I am Hobbes and my little sister is Calvin. Sorry sis, does it bring back memories? At the end Calvin (aka - my sista) is gonna kick my but in the mud. In case your wondering she often did. I just loved how Hobbes would meditate on the big issues of the time. He was so thoughtful in his musings, then as if a switch was flipped he'd get over it and go back to playing or tormenting Calvin. Calvin was always trying to get out of something or justify some rash thing he had done. I could relate to both these characters but had to live vicariously through them because if I had reacted the way they often did I would have spent a lot of time in the Principle's office and my room.

Moving on a close second is my obsession with Felix the Cat and his buddy Poindexter. I don't know if it was the black cat, the bag of tricks, silly music or the bad guys he was always fighting but I loved this comic strip and movie clips. Didn't matter black/white or the later color versions I would laugh till I almost pee'd my pants. For more info here's a cool web site for all things Felix

I start smirking just saying "Poindexter" boy oh boy did the two of them get into a lot of trouble. I have a tape of some of the old shows (thanks sister) that I watch with my kids sometimes, they don't seem to get it? Maybe they are too young, or maybe the humor is to old? I always wished I had a magic bag of tricks, I would have gotten even with so many practical jokers in the neighborhood. Poindexter was the brains of the whole operation and made being a geek seem kind-a-cool. Not that I am admitting to ever having an awkward geeky stage in my adolescence.

Finally, there is the really goofy me who still loved cartoons as an older teenager and thought Hong Kong Phooey was absolutely hysterical. The karate, the silly jobs as part of his disguise, his crazy car, how he always messed up but somehow his disaster was the key to solving the crime. As a bonus he had that cool voice I found it very intriguing.

So there you have it, my childhood/adolescent cartoon fav's. I was influenced by many others but these three best describe who I was and the kind of humor that appealed to me. I don't think my parents really understood although my Mom did like Calvin & Hobbes and it was one area in which we were in agreement. You always looked for those moments as they were few and far between during the "Dark Years".

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Current book I am reading:
Sea Change by James Powlik

I guess this book would fall under the category "Techno-Thriller". It has to do with an environmental threat that might have been caused on purpose. The main characters then have to figure out a tangled web of facts and data to discover the truth about what is killing people.

It is very interesting and I am learning alot about micro-organisims and toxic blooms. Nature is pretty radical and I find it amazing how something so small and basic in structure can turn into a lethal organism.

On a lighter note I am also reading, "What Every Mom Needs" by Elisa Morgan with my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group. It is a very light hearted and easy read but it really gets you thinking about who you are as a Mother. A big part of the book is about recognizing your personal needs as a Mom and understanding that it is okay to spend time on your own personal growth. As much as I love my kids I'm more than a Mom I am an individual with my own dreams. As long as I don't neglect the needs of my family there is nothing wrong with making some of my personal dreams come true. In fact it is imperative that I do if I want to be a fullfilled person this makes me a better Mom and role model to my children.

by Louise Driscoll

Hold fast your dream!
Within your heart
Keep one still secret spot
Where dreams may go,
And sheltered so,
May thrive and grow ~
Where doubt and fear are not.
Oh, keep a place apart
Within your heart,
For little dreams to go.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the soothing, gentle rain.
When you awake in morning hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there ... I did not die.
I don't know who wrote this poem, I just think it is so beautiful. I like to finish reading it by adding, "Heaven is now where I reside."

Topic to post: Two stories from two years ago.

1. (March 2004) Successful Potty Training two weeks before my daughter's third birthday. They say girls train easier then boys, they lied! Both my daughters were stubborn in this area and were nearly three before they were fully potty trained. We used all the tricks had potty parades, read many many picture books about using the potty, reward charts, stickers, candy, prizes, you name it we tried it. If one more person said to me, "Don't worry she won't be going off to college in diapers" I was gonna scream! Victory was finally ours and my daughter got to go shopping for pretty big girl panties. She was very excited her dad and I were ecstatic.

2. (Nov. 2004) I was less then two months from the the birth of my fourth child. My sweet little heavenly surprise. Recently moved into a new house in a new town and I guess slightly overwhelmed by all the changes in my life. We invited family to visit for Christmas and several of them decided to come. How exciting, I thought maybe they'd be here for her birth. The race was on to unpack the last of the boxes and figure out where everyone would sleep and what food we would eat. The house was a buzz with activity and excitement. Having something so concrete to focus my pregnancy energy on was such a blessing. I of course was convinced that this baby could come anytime as she was my fourth. In the end only one relative was still at the house when my daughter was born. My Mother-in-law was such a huge help. Not only with the baby but also playing with the other kids. Oh yeah and she does dishes!

Monday, November 13, 2006

13 Things I LOVE About Mia

1. How easily she goes down for her nap/nightime
2. The way she runs to Daddy at the end of the day
3. Her crazy stumbly dancing
4. The ability to create projectile tears
5. Gorgeous deeply questioning eyes
6. How she sucks her thumb
7. When she paints she doesn't mix all the colors together making brown
8. After bath Streakin'
9. Her smile makes you smile, no matter what
10. Sticky Hugs and kisses
11. Hey Mia, where's your belly button?
12. She was/is our wonderful surprise
13. The way she says, "Oh Great!" anytime something happens she doesn't expect

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


HEHEHE - Today's posting is Music, what is your favorite type, is this a change from UMMM your younger days?

I love music - pretty much all kinds. What I am listening to usually conforms with my current mood or a situation I find myself in, wether good or bad.

In my younger days I was a Classic Rock Freak and stuck mostly to music/groups of the 60's & 70's. One wierd thing though if I needed to clean my room, dorm, apt. etc. I always but on a Neil Diamond album compliments of my parents. Not sure why but his music made me clean like crazy. Looking around my house right now, I am wondering if it might still work? LOL

Today as a wife and Mom to four kids I am still a Classic Rock freak at heart but I also love Christian Rock esp. the edgy stuff my son likes (even the rap go figure). my least favorite is Pop music unless I am really blue then it picks me right up. Country is good for when I am thinking about my Texas days. If I can't sleep I go strait to Enya or Yaz and the other dream state music.

Recently, I was helping my son download music to his IPOD and got a real shocker. The site listed Fleetwood Mac Rumors under the Oldies Category. I think I scared the heck out of him when I yelled out "WHAT~ARE YOU KIDDING" at the top of my voice. Let it be known here and now OLDIES are officially only music from the 50's backward. Say AMEN if your with me here! LOL

I have some very obscure albums that don't exist on CD. I'd like to have them transfered to CD but I am waiting for the cost of that service to come down, yeah I'm still pretty cheap. (Hey watch that-I see you thinking). One band I think only released one album "Klatu", it was pretty out there.

I guess musically the biggest change for me is I really don't mind listening to children's music. Who doesn't love singing "The Wheels On The Bus", 10 times in a row followed by a Kindergarten rendition of "Hit Me Baby One More Time" which comes out "Kiss The Baby One More Time". Being a Mom really is a joy and these musical moments mean no one is fighting!

If asked what band(s) have I most dreamed of seeing I will still and always list the following: Aerosmith(saw this year), Bon Jovi, Rolling Stones, Queen, U2, Cat Stevens (prior to his religious change), Van Halen (Sammy version), Led Zepplin, & Blue Oyster Cult (yes I realize some of these people/bands are no longer together/alive I am dreaming remember). New to the list: RelientK, P.O.D., CREED, Barlo Girls (have seen), Simple Plan, & Third Day.

Hope you enjoy the following song, I don't care what they say groups today don't make music like this, spread the music.

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody was here!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Inherited Traits:
What do you see in yourself that has come from your ancestors? If you have children, what have you handed down?

Immediately I think of physical traits. If I look back at photos of my Maternal Grandmother we have several common physical characteristics, including being on the short side as in under 5'5". I think 2 of my 3 girls are following in these footsteps as they are both on the small side of the growth chart. My other daughter has an interesting birth trait on ear at the top is folded down, hardly noticeable at all but the Dr. said someone in our family has to have this as it is genetic. We have yet to find that person, they may be several generations back.

Education and the importance of continuing to learn no matter your age is something I feel was handed down on the Maternal side of my family. Both of my Grandparents were college graduates who continued to pursue learning into their retirement. Both my parents also graduated from college and continue to pursue education. All three of us kids went to college. My sister and I both have degrees although my brother eventually went into the work force he has talked off and on more on than off about going back to college and learning something new. I am considering returning to college as well for an after babies career change.

The focus is that learning never ends and you are never too old to learn something new, change your career, or simply explore something you are passionate about. I hope I am passing along this passion for learning to my kids. I try to keep the focus on the journey and not so much on the road they take.
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What type of art do you like best? Do you have a favorite artist?
This is like asking a Musician what's your favorite group or song! I LOVE art and have far too many favorites to ever list just one. I also LOVE all kind of mediums painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, printmaking, ceramics etc. Art History was one of my favorite classes and visiting art museums is a real treat for me.

Recently, here in Grand Rapids we had a wonderful opportunity to see the sculpture work of Tom Otterness. His pieces were all over town and at the Fredrick Meijer Gardens.
Tom Otterness at Meijer Gardens

Kids just loved the sculptures and I remember reading that one of his goals was for his sculptures be the most family scrapbooked art in America. The most important thing I want to pass down to my kids and all other kids I can connect with is that they have been given a special gift and that gift is from God, if they use it for HIS Glory they can change the world.

This was a link to a P.O.D. Song!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Five for Friday

This week has been so busy I am looking forward to a slow paced weekend. Unfortunately, I do have some things on my to do list:
1. Winterize and pack down Pop-up Camper
2. Clean Up Craft/Shop Room
3. Cut back plants/bushes
4. ; ) Go to movie with kids
5. : ) Go to Corn Maze/Pumpkin Patch with kids

Yeah two fun things on my to-do list! Other then what is listed I plan to laze around, snuggle with my kids, play games, read, & scrapbook. I just love how I can layback on the couch or my bed with my laptop and scrapbook photos. Goal is to scrap the pictures we take Saturday at the Corn/Pumpkin place by end of night Sunday.

Speaking of Sunday this is not my week to teach K-Sunday School so I am excited to sit in church and worship God thru the awesome Praise music and look forward to being filled with the Spirit as I listen to God's message this week from my Preacher. I love to teach the kids but I really miss being apart of corporate worship with my church family.

With this being the season of Polical Ads and soon to be voting taking place I thought the following quiz would be appropriate. GOOD LUCK!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Create your own Holiday: Hippie Hair Day ~ October 17

October 17 is the 39th Anniversary of the first performance of the play "Hair".
(original opening October 16, 1967)In honor of this momentous occassion and in keeping with the "Free Spirit" of the play a proper celebration of this holiday would include the suspension of all hair cuts for the day, bellbottom pants & freedom vests should be worn, peace, love, and happiness are the focus of the day. Planned activities would include large parties in the park with loud rock music & a lot of dancing, skinny dipping, hanging out and meeting people while sharing food with each other. Of course getting arrested would be optional.

I Love that photo of the VW Van, Oh how I wish I was driving it instead of my imported mini-van. This van is a neccesity at this stage of my life. Truth be told if I could have any car I wanted no strings attached it would be the hot red GTO below.

Friday, October 13, 2006

This song is in my head today, not sure it goes with my posting topic but that's OK.
Welcome To My Life Video by RelientK

Would you choose differently if you could choose your occupation again? Why? How?

Interesting quesion for me since I have been thinking alot about going back to work. When should I go? What type of job/field would I look to enter? Etc. So to answer this I need to tell you first about where I have been.

My college degree is Graphic Design which I did for several years after college. My career began to morph at somepoint as I took on Marketing and PR type projects and eventually I was hiring out the graphics and concentrating my time on Marketing and Strategic Planning. I worked for a health care organization so part of my job involved promotion of health care careers and I worked with student High School age up thorough college. I really enjoyed helping students find the health career that was right for them.

It's been seven years since I held down a full-time job other then MOM that is. I have worked part time as an Art and Computer teacher for a Private Christian School and I absolutely LOVED that job.

So Now What? I have been asking myself that same question over and over. I had thought I'd be working part-time by now with Olivia in Kindergarten but with Amelia's arrival those plans got pushed back. I have been looking into returning to college to get a teaching degree as Secondary Art Teacher. The market where I live is not the best though for teachers there are so many of us. So much so that to substitute teach in my area you must have a teaching degree, then you wait on a list to be called. I have several teaching friends who have only been called a dozen or so times to sub.

We do have a large number of hospitals and a Medical School so going back into that type of work might be possible. Just harder on the family due to the working hours for health care centers.

I go back and forth and back and forth and don't know what to do so I do nothing. Not the best of plans I know. I figure I really don't have to start making any decisions until next year! As to would I choose differently my occupation/career? I'd have to say NO, I love Art and Art College was a wonderfull experience. I do however wish I would have taken the additional teaching classes so that I graduated with both a B.S. in Graphic Design and Secondary Education.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Today we woke up to the first snow of the season, I can't believe it but we got 4 inches. I have been spending time checking out digital scrapbook sites and art sites. It is amazing how many people are out in the world creating and sharing. It gets my imagination reved up looking at what others have created. I have taken on the role of "Odyssey of the Mind" Coordinator for our school. This will take up a good amount of time over the next couple of months. Not sure how much scrapping I will get done. I hope some. Anyway I will try to post some photos here I hope it works I haven't been able to get any to post lately.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

After reading everyone's posts about TV I decided to write about this too. I don't have one show I have watched continually over the years. I tend to hop around a lot.

Current favorite is Amazing Race because I would LOVE to compete on that show. As long as I don't have to eat stir-fried crickets or fish eyes UGH!

I think the TV is on a lot as white noise because my MOM was so strict with us growing up. We had TV tickets that we got at the beginning of each week. They were good for 30 minutes of TV time and if split even over the 7 days added up to 1 hour of TV a day.

You had to turn in a ticket to watch a show and it had to be an approved program. The only exception was Sunday night we got to watch "The Wonderful World of Disney" for FREE.

I know her plan was to teach us to be choosy about what we watch and to encourage us to get outside and play. I think it backfired though because all three of us watch more than an hour a day. I am the worst - probably because I am so stubborn.

Many of you mentioned Little House on the Prairie I too loved this show. I still enjoy it. I was in LOVE with Almanzo. My sister and I would argue over who got to be Laura when we played the show. We hated Nellie my whole family would literally "Boo" her when she came on. I cried when Mary went blind, Albert ran away to the big city, and Pa almost lost the farm. YES that was good TV.
Topic Given: If you procrastinate, what is your most popular excuse and why?

PROCRASTINATION v. To put off, defer, or postpone to a later time

This is all I have talked about for the last two days! Asking myself why do I procrastinate? Asking others if they procrastinate. I went nuts yesterday, my house was so cluttered. Seriously, every horizontal surface on the first floor was covered with papers, bills, school stuff, scouting items, tackle box from the weekend fishing outing, baby toys etc. The floor of the living room had stacks of laundry some folded some not as well as two large mounds of items to price for a huge sale my MOPS organization is having in a week or so.

As I looked around at all the chaos in front of me I felt like the actors in the movie "High Anxiety". You know the one, where they start freaking out about some phobia and behind them on the screen is a spinning black and white circle target and they are grabbing their head like they are gonna scream. Oh yes this was me in my living room chanting PROCRASTINATOR ~ PROCRASTINATOR ~ PROCRASTINATOR ~ you've done this to yourself.

I turned into a mini tornado at that point. Large garbage bag in hand I traveled from area to area throwing things away like crazy and reveling in the release of stress with each new clean spot. Kids were given marching orders to get their clothes and other stuff to their rooms PDQ! I got a large wash tub and put all my hubby's stuff in it with a note explaining this tub is a way station only and nothing should remain in the tub longer then one week (I put it in his closet).

It took several hours but when I was finished I felt such a sense of relief and accomplishment. Amazing ~ I do have furniture. One benefit of all the piles of stuff was I didn't need to dust because the dust didn't have any furniture to land on.

I wish I could say with confidence that I would not let PROCRASTINATION enter my living room again. I know HE will be back on some day when I'm too tired or too distracted or too busy and I accidentally let HIM in the door. HE is very sneaky that way!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Topic ~ Describe a relationship with a Sibling

I have both a younger sister and brother, however my relationship with my sister has seen the most dynamic changes from childhood to adulthood.

We were very close as children but were very competitive with each other as well. I have so many memories of those early years together playing dolls, running in the corn field and making forts, riding bikes, running away to the big tree down the lane. As the "Big Sister", I was followed constantly. This was fine when we were younger but became problematic as I entered my pre-teen years. She wanted to dress like me, do all the same activities, have the same friends etc. I'm sure you can imagine how well that went over with me. This was the beginning of a time I refer to as "The Tribulation". I think if you asked my parents they would say there were times it felt like a living (H E double hockey sticks) at our house. I was very dramatic which of course meant my little sister had to be ubber-dramatic (remember the competitive thing).

However mean we were to each other or irritated by the constant one~up~men~ship we protected each other from outside criticism or attack. I remember my sister smacking a kid on the bus who pushed me and said something mean. Another time I carried her home when she fell and cut her chin on a rock while being chased by the neighbor boy. (I think those were her first stitches). A cruel as I could be to her during those teenage years I still stuck up for her around school and with friends. ( I am sure she has some story when I didn't nobody's perfect but for the most part I had her back even when she didn't know it).

During the worst of "The Tribulation" there were battles over stealing clothes, stealing friends, stealing boyfriends (do you see a theme here). Eventually, we went our separate ways and became very different people much to my relief. I don't know why it bothered me so much that she followed me and copied me, looking at it now I should have been flattered. Ok, truth be told I wanted to be myself, different, creative, an individual hard to do that with a tag along who seemed to want to copy every move you made. By the time I headed to college we had virtually no relationship we had settled into a state of you ignore me I'll ignore you. We didn't see much of each other during those college years as we lived far apart from each other. Getting together only during holidays which seemed brutal at the time. Slowly we came to a sister understanding and began to get close again so much so that I asked her to be my maid of honor.

Our relationship grew the most when she moved in with my husband and me after graduating college. She lived with us for several months while she looked for a job and a place to live. It seemed each time she crossed the threshold of a shared experience were grew closer. Graduating college and living on her own, getting married, buying her first house, having a baby etc. Eventually, we were living parallel experiences but as two unique individuals with our own styles, desires, personalities etc. I truly believe it was the shared experiences that brought us back to a close relationship. Just as in childhood, shared experiences drew us together and over time bonded us to each other in adulthood. How does someone understand the ups and downs of marriage until they are married. Or the joys and horrors of first motherhood if they haven't had a child yet? The financial strain of saving for your first house cannot be fully understood by someone who hasn't been there yet. Many times I was the first to cross these thresholds but there have been times my sister bravely walked through a new door and I reluctantly followed behind. She was the first to find a real faith and relationship with Jesus Christ and has taught me much about how to walk in faith. What matters is not who moves first but that we bring each other along for the ride and share what we have learned the good, the bad and the ugly. "We were born sisters but we choose to be friends", may be an old saying but for us it is so true.

The bond of sisterhood is stronger now then it has ever been and I am proud to call her my best friend.
Topic - Favorite Fall Recipe

Butternut Squash Soup

This is a family favorite, we call it Jeff's Yummy Soup cause he gave us the recipe! If you serve this soup with a loaf of French bread and a small salad it really is a complete meal.

Large Butternut Squash (2.5#)
3-4 Granny Smith Apples (peeled and sliced)
Med. Onion
4 cans Chicken or Vegetable Stock
1 cup heavy whipping cream
5T. butter
3-4 slices white bread
Salt & Pepper to taste

Slice squash in half and scoop out seeds, pre-cook in microwave with small amount of water to soften squash. Let squash cool then cut off rind.

In Soup Pot melt butter and saute onion, apple slices and torn up bread slices over low heat. Add peeled, cubed squash, stock and spices. Bring to a boil, simmer about an hour till squash is very soft.

Let soup cool off then puree. (I like to use a hand held blender directly in pot.) Add the cream, blend well and bring temperature back up to your desired eating temp.

This is a very thick and hearty soup ~ you can top the soup with fresh grated Parmesan cheese or a dollop of sour cream and fresh chopped scallions. Serve soup with a crusty French bread and a lite salad.

Freezes very well so make a lot you will want it again, I promise!

Monday, October 02, 2006

My oh my life has been hectic and busy, busy, busy. October is here and with it the cooler temps and rain. Fall is absolutely my favorite season, always has been. The crisp air, changing colors, warm sweaters, apple crisp and cider put me in a great mood. I remember riding our horse in the fall into the woods behind our farm, crunch, crunch went the leaves. The air smelled so refreshing it keeps you alert and you seem to notice things you looked past just weeks before. A strong sensory memory is waking up to the smell of homemade applesauce rising up from the kitchen. Mom always put plenty of cinnamon in it.

Halloween was a favorite holiday at my house. Our first Halloween at the farm Mom didn't know how many kids we'd have so in true MOTHER fashion she made enough snacks for several neighborhoods. Halloween night a huge storm spoiled Trick-or-Treating for everyone. My sister, brother and I were so upset. Being creative we came up with a great plan to save our night. Our kitchen had a huge swinging door into the sitting room, so we pretended it was a Trick-or-Treating front door. We got into our costumes and knocked. When Mom opened the door we yelled, "Trick-or-Treat!" She of course filled our bags with treats. Excitedly, we ran upstairs. Then one of us (not sure who - but probably - ME - as I am the brains of the family) decided we should get dressed up in some other kind of costume and knock on the door again. Not only did it work once, we wore out the hinges of the swinging door that night dressing up over and over again in every piece of clothing/accessory we could come up with. We had a blast and saved our Halloween, Charlie Brown would be so proud!

Traditions I have started with my kids include carving pumpkins after visiting the farm to pick the best ones for our porch. Hay rides, corn field mazes and fresh hot cider donuts. What's not to LOVE. Don't ya think it is so cool that God gave us seasons like he just knew we would get bored and needed to be renewed periodically. This year we are going to participate in Trick-or-Trunk at our church. The idea is everyone parks their vehicle in the church parking lot, then you decorate it, be original. They plan to have inflatables, face painting, food etc. Then at dusk the kids walk around the lot coming up to people's open trunks. They yell out, "Trick-or-Trunk" then they get a treat! Sounds like a lot of fun. Somewhere in my garage is a portable generator I plan to have lights as part of my decorations. I hear there are prizes!

My kids are still debating what they will be for Halloween. My youngest has no choice she will be a red hershey's kiss because that costume took forever to make and one more kid will wear it before I pass it on to someone else. Last year a friend sent me a ladybug costume for her it was adorable. I prefer the homemade costumes and like to encourage my kids to be creative in this endeavor as it their only chance to dress wild at school. One rule though no scary costumes as I won't be responsible for putting that out into the world.

One wish for this year is no SNOW till after Thanksgiving. Can you believe this?

Friday, September 15, 2006

Before I work on tonight's Blog idea, I must RANT! I am still not over the fact that Supernova chose Lucas to be the frontman for their band. Tommy, Jason and Gilby what on earth are you thinking? I thought they wanted a new innovative rock band! Not a spasmodic, unintelligible singer who looks more like a demented leprechaun then a rock star! OK OK I know that was pretty harsh but come on. Who was voting for this guy? Did he have the most votes by a lot or a little? Dilana was my girl & Toby was my second choice, Lucas I couldn't even fathom the band would select him. I just don't get it!!!!

I feel better now. Time for positive thinking ~ mantra mantra ~ Oh yeah I know Amazing Race starts next week. That is my all time favorite show. My Hippies won last year, TTOW! I like to imagine I am traveling along the journey with them. I love to see all the cool spots they visit and the challenges they take on. Some border on ridiculous but that's what makes the show so much fun to watch. AHHHH Ok now I am in a much better mood. Here are my guys from last season.

Today's DSP Blog prompt was to take the letters of your first name and write about yourself. Here it goes:

J ~ Jubilant

E ~ Ebullient

N ~ Nutty

N ~ Nurturer

I ~ Imaginative

F ~ Funny

E ~ Eclectic

R ~ aRtistic (ok I know this one was kinda cheating)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

DSP Blog post: Using an idea of Ali Edwards'....
What is your happiness today?

I am glad to say that Happiness is not something that eludes me on a regular basis, even though my mornings are hectic and I need my coffee to push through. Those little faces (some not so little anymore) shuffling or running through the kitchen, preparing for school pull at my heart strings. The hugs and "I Love You MOM" I receive as they fly out the door fill my soul with warmth. I busy my days with a long list of things to do. Many of which don't get done, sigh. I update the calendar and plan my route for after school driving. Some days run smooth others are a disaster. But everyday ends the same way. I tuck in the baby with a lullaby, my kindergarten daughter gets a story + 2 hugs and a kiss, the 4th grader needs prayers of protection and I turn on the EAMS (Electronic Anti-Monster System), finally my 7th grader who always asks the hard questions at bed time (stalling? ). Upstairs I sit with my hubby and we laugh about the day, or watch a favorite TV show. Sometimes we sit on the couch side by side working on our laptops. As I sit back and reflect on the day, no matter how the middle went the beginning and the end remind me of my true happiness, being a MOM to the four best kids I know. Thanking God, for helping my husband and I create them and for choosing us to be their parents. They are my Treasure!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I was going to post my thoughts/feelings regarding all that happened on 9/11 but as I wrote about that day my feelings were still too raw. I had to stop and just couldn't get back on for a couple days. Maybe in the future I can revisit that day ~ just not yet.

Blog prompt for today was what would you do for one day in there were no consequences?

Interesting question!

As a parent with the responsibility of four children to raise there are many things I would love to do but won't because It wouldn't be fair to my kids if something happened to me. What would I do? . . .

My church in NJ did mission trips to Haiti I really wanted to go but due to the turmoil in that country I passed. Mission Trip to Haiti

Travel to space on the shuttle. Even after the Challenger disaster there has been a small voice saying wouldn't it be cool to see the earth from space to experience the power of the launch, to float around inside the shuttle like we've seen so many times on TV. Travel to Space

This one is totally frivolous but I'd love to jump the guard rail at the "Today" show and speak my mind on national television regarding my current pet peve, "political ads and negative campaigning". Ask me in a month it will be some other pet peve! Steal the "Today" show

I think we would all be exhausted after a day with no consequences. Is it even possible? Kind of like neutralism, hard to say that there is any way we can exist
on this world and not have some effect on someone or something. Most assuredly if you could wave some kind of magic wand and have a day with no consequences the days following would be changed forever because you would be a changed person through whatever experiences you had that day. How you behave and relate to the world around would be different even in a small way.

It's been fun thinking about the opportunities such a day would present. I think it would make a great episode on "Scrubs". I can already see JD's bubble musings as he dreams about his day with no consequences (look out Dr. Cox).

Click below to participate in today's fun quiz. HEHEHEHE told me I was 25, I liked that. LOL">What Age Do You Act?

Oh and one last thing. Rock Star Supernova was awesome last night! Dilana (you go girl) was back in full force and rocked the house stealing the show. Toby did real well, his origianl is so fun, but I think honestly, Dilana kicked his Aussie butt last night. (sorry Cynthia) Lukas again what can I say, who thinks he can sing? I just don't get why he is still here. Magni, Tommy put the first nail in his coffin. So can't wait for tonight's show and the final three, then the winner announced. (Dilana, Dilana, Dilana) The power of positive thinking on the cosmos, ya know. Till tomorrow, ROCK ON.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sunday, September 10, 2006

My Life List:
1. Sail/Teach on the School on a Boat
2. Help to save an endangered species
3. Illustrate a children's book
4. Build a house with Habitat for Humanity
5. Learn to Pray more powerfully
6. Learn to throw a pot that doesn't rock
7. Become an Art Teacher
8. Find a way to help teenagers deal with their struggles
9. Learn to speak Spanish
10. Take all my children traveling abroad
11. Go backpacking with my son
12. Watch my grandchild be born
13. Live in a tree house
14. Own horses with my daughters
15. Travel to Spain with my husband

Ellen DeGeneres is asking people to join her in making a Life List of things you want to accomplish before you die. Why would anyone want to make a list of things to accomplish? This seemed silly to me. As I thought more about Ellen's challenge I began to question my thoughts about the list. Why was I opposedsed to making it? Maybe cause if I write it down then it's real. What if I don't get a chance to do any of the things on my list? Would I feel smashed like I let myself down? I've never been the type to worry about checking things off a "To Do" list. Would that change if I made this Life List? I remember a fellow employee some years ago who had panic attacks if she had to forward her tasks to the next day. I was convinced she put certain things on her list because she was sure she could cross them off before 6pm.

In the end I decided to make the list and then decide whether to keep it or throw it out. I was surprised how fast I came up with 15 things for the list. When I was done I was really excited to see my dreams/ideas down on paper. I didn't even know I felt that strong about some of the things till I wrote them down. Who knows how long it will take me to cross one off or even where I will start. I am glad to report that I am not concerned about completing the list as several things are not even possible at this stage of my life. (ie. #1, 10, 12 ) Now on to life's simple pleasures, my children.

This is a recent digital scrapbook page of my baby.

Okay let's see if you dare to answer today's blog quiz!

Friday, September 08, 2006

This is a digital scrapbook page I created for my daughter to celebrate her first day of Kindergarten.

Amazing how fast she reached this point, her first step on the road to independence. I say a prayer for her everyday as well as for her teacher. She is the type who isn't just curious about everything she has to experience everything for her self under her terms. She makes me smile when I'm not pulling my hair out!

Last night at "Meet the Teacher" night we learned about all the changes our 7th grader was going to have at junior high. The responsibility and amount of work he is expected to do was overwhelming to me. Sure has changed alot since I was a junior high student. He will rise to the challenge I am sure after making a few mistakes and getting slightly scorched by a teacher or two. One assignment for this weekend is to get his books covered. I was glad to hear he wanted to cover them with the standard brown paper grocery sack. Helps to know something are the same. Mine were always covered with drawings, notes from friends, guys numbers etc.

I hear people all the time say they wouldn't go back and repeat their teenage years for any amount of money. I guess for all of us those years becoming an adult were just too painful in many ways. I have many wonderful memories of that time in my life but I do admit the painful ones I would not want to experience again. As a parent I don't know that I am prepared to watch my son struggle though Junior High. I will have to fight hard to not swoop in like a mother bird and save him. Luckily I have plenty of friends to keep reminding me that something he will have to figure out on his own.

Today's crazy quiz: I am a ~ Iced Coffee

You Are an Iced Coffee
At your best, you are: hyper, modern, and athletic
At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty
You drink coffee when: you're out with friends
Your caffeine addiction level: medium
What Kind of Coffee Are You?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

This is a banner my son created. He loves Lord of the Rings books and movies. Isn't he creative?

Last night Storm was eliminated from Rock Star - SuperNova wish it was Lucas instead! So final four for next week then will know. Prepare for a rant from me if Lucas is chosen. I've never much cared for leprechauns. LOL

Random Thoughts

What is a twenty month olds favorite word? <COOKIE>

What is a twenty month olds least favorite word? <NO>

What is a twenty month olds favorite toy? <A BALL POINT PEN>

Okay, so that tells you how my morning has been. Busy busy busy with a toddler under foot. As you will see below my daughters summer nature project has finally started hatching. This has been alot of fun and educational for all the kids.

Did you know this is a MALE monarch butterfly? The spots on the lower wings designate the sex. Interesting huh! She raised 10 catapillers, all of which transformed into chrysalis' so far 8 have hatched.

She is planting butterfly bushes and milk weed to attract the Monarch's when they come back next summer. She is my nature girl and is always busy with some wild outdoor project.

Here is your quiz for the day. I was a Chocolate Chip Cookie! YUM YUM Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with C. Okay too much Sesame Street.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Who Should Paint You: Alfred Gockel
All American yet funky, you inspire an artist's imaginationAnd while not everyone will understand your portrait, you will!

This is a fun, quick quiz. I love the Artist I got, too bad he can't really paint me. Let me know who you get!
School is back in session, wish I could say I was excited! Three kids in school this year my mornings are like a tornado. Once over it's just me and the baby, staring at each other!

My rant for today is how much mullah I am shelling out to get these kids what they need for school. Here is a list of what we've spent so far:

  • School Supplies for 3 = $92.00
  • 7th grade retreat = $105.00
  • Gym Uniforms for 2 = $19.00
  • Sport Fee 1st semester = $50.00
  • Sport Uniform = $12.00
  • Sport Physical = $15.00
  • Orchestra Uniform = $60.00
  • School Clothes = $300.00

Anyone adding as we go? Hurts me to tally but so far I'm at $653.00. I am still getting forms with requests for money supporting all kinds of Booster Clubs. As well as each schools fall fundraiser where all families are expected to participate. Ebay here I come I need to make some cash fast. How do people do it?

Rock Star Supernova is my current obsession. I love the show. Although, I am convinced that Dave and the band have pushed ahead their favorites thru creative editing and comments. I still can't believe Lucas is not gone, he stinks. Dilana despite her faults and hard time of late is my favorite. Toby is my second choice. Guess will know soon.

I will add some of my digital scrapbook pages as soon as I figure out how to do it. I'll probably just ask my 12 year old he is quick with all things computer! LOL