Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Current favorite song, this band rocks!
Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
Removed slide show 9/21

Here is a wonderful slide show of Amelia's first real experience with snow. We have been neglected this winter as Colorado is hogging all the snow. This snow fall was just about 2" and the kids went nuts like it was a foot. Pretty sad. They had a lot of fun and Olivia enjoyed teaching Amelia all about snow, snowballs, snow angels and of course eating snow. Just not the yellow stuff!

BLOG Prompt today: What do you dream about literally?
Lately I've had some pretty cool dreams involving sailing. My hubby and I use to sail a lot pre-kids. It is a hobby/interest we share a passion for and plan to include in our future. Just this week I dreamed we went back to visit friends in NJ and were invited to sleep on a sailboat docked at the yacht club. In the middle of the night some kids from our old church youth group snuck around and untied the boat and off we drifted to the middle of the lake. A couple of weeks ago I dreamed my hubby and I decided the kids were living too normal of a life. So we pulled them all out of school, rented our house, took sabbatical from work, and joined a group of people sailing with their kids around the world. We home schooled and the adults shared their expertise with all the kids on the trip. When the year was up we returned to our home having given the kids an adventure of a lifetime.

So - OK all you amateur "Dream Interpreters" - I know your dying to tell me what this all means.