Monday, October 29, 2007

What a fun afternoon we had at Fruitridge Orchard. So many fun things to do and Amelia's first real trip to pick out a pumpkin. The kids had a blast in the corn maze having corn kernal fights with their Dad. Mia loved eating apples strait from the tree. Olivia and Izzy enjoyed feeding the animals. Noah had fun helping to carry the rather large pumpkins the girls picked out.

Good Times for all!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Every now and then your child says something that just completely floors you. I treasure these moments as little glimpses of my child’s thoughts on the world. The other day was one of those truly beautiful mornings. The air was a crisp 45 degrees, the sky crystal clear blue no clouds to be seen. My beautiful 2 year old Amelia looks up to the sky and lets out a loud gasp as her little hands fly to the sides of her open wide mouth. Then she points to the sky and declares in a panicked voice, “Mom, look the moon is broken.”

Now, I had a choice at this point in how to respond to her concern. You see not too long ago I spent a lot of time trying to explain how the moon and the sun could be out at the same time. She was quite surprised by this because I had told her that when the sun goes to sleep then the moon comes out. So how could she see both in the sky at the same time? On this particular day the moon was full and very visible. As I thought about how to answer her I realized I needed to be very careful. Part of our night time routine was to snuggle up and give each other kisses, I always end the snuggles by telling her the Sun has gone to sleep so she must too. The last thing I wanted was to give her some excuse to use at bedtime about how the Sun and the Moon don’t really sleep so why should I etc. Needless to say I went on and on with this scientific reasoning for the Sun and the Moon and their cycles bla, bla, bla. Yes I know she’s only 2, I don’t know what I was thinking. I did not want to repeat that mistake. At the same time she had a valid concern as this was her first time she saw the moon with a huge piece missing.

So what did I say to, “Mom, look the moon is broken?” Being much wiser, I gave her a big hug. Then I told her it just looked broken and she shouldn’t worry. “You see, I said, part of the moon didn’t want to go to sleep when the Sun came out. So they are having a little visit, a chat if you will. Soon the moon will fully go to sleep and the Sun will have the sky all to itself.”

She seemed pleased with the answer and we went about the business of the day. I must have had a silly grin on my face all day because I just couldn’t stop seeing her cute little face showing all kinds of concern for her friend the moon. Sometimes the magic and wonder of this world should not be destroyed by scientific reasoning, don’t ya think?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Okay this is not I repeat NOT a political endorsement or commentary in any way.

Maybe you have heard already that Jenna Bush has published a book, "Ana's Story." It is about a young girl Ms. Bush met while working for UNICEF. She was inspired by the hope Ana had even though her life so far had gone horribly wrong. Having a background as a teacher she wanted to bring her experience back to her students in a very real way. "I hope the book will inspire you to make a difference for children like Ana,” said Jenna Bush.

I was very impressed with her interview and her work with UNICEF. What has not impressed me is some of the negative comments, criticisms and feedback this story is getting. Ms. Bush is not a politician nor is she responsible for her father's views concerning the war or anything else for that matter. Furthermore the book was written for teenagers and as such was geared to be an easy read that would get students talking about the issues of poverty, AIDS, abuse, neglect etc.

Many of the postings on the news web sites are just plain ugly some border on ridiculous. I say, "Way to Go Jenna." Thanks for sharing your insights and experience of a troubling subject matter with the young people of this country. It is my prayer that this book inspires many other young people to give of their time to quality organizations like UNICEF. That their world would be changed as well bringing us all one step closer to understanding, support and compassion for each other.

You can check out her book on the following web page: Ana's Story