Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Topic Given: If you procrastinate, what is your most popular excuse and why?

PROCRASTINATION v. To put off, defer, or postpone to a later time

This is all I have talked about for the last two days! Asking myself why do I procrastinate? Asking others if they procrastinate. I went nuts yesterday, my house was so cluttered. Seriously, every horizontal surface on the first floor was covered with papers, bills, school stuff, scouting items, tackle box from the weekend fishing outing, baby toys etc. The floor of the living room had stacks of laundry some folded some not as well as two large mounds of items to price for a huge sale my MOPS organization is having in a week or so.

As I looked around at all the chaos in front of me I felt like the actors in the movie "High Anxiety". You know the one, where they start freaking out about some phobia and behind them on the screen is a spinning black and white circle target and they are grabbing their head like they are gonna scream. Oh yes this was me in my living room chanting PROCRASTINATOR ~ PROCRASTINATOR ~ PROCRASTINATOR ~ you've done this to yourself.

I turned into a mini tornado at that point. Large garbage bag in hand I traveled from area to area throwing things away like crazy and reveling in the release of stress with each new clean spot. Kids were given marching orders to get their clothes and other stuff to their rooms PDQ! I got a large wash tub and put all my hubby's stuff in it with a note explaining this tub is a way station only and nothing should remain in the tub longer then one week (I put it in his closet).

It took several hours but when I was finished I felt such a sense of relief and accomplishment. Amazing ~ I do have furniture. One benefit of all the piles of stuff was I didn't need to dust because the dust didn't have any furniture to land on.

I wish I could say with confidence that I would not let PROCRASTINATION enter my living room again. I know HE will be back on some day when I'm too tired or too distracted or too busy and I accidentally let HIM in the door. HE is very sneaky that way!


loonyhiker said...

This had me laughing so hard! I could just picture you! Now that I have a cleaning service come in every other week, my "stuff" doesn't build up as much. The night before, I'm running around stashing clutter and straightening up (which drives my hubby crazy! He asks, "why do we pay them to come in and clean if you are going to clean before they come?" But I don't "clean", I just un-clutter.

carin.c said...

I've been exactly the person you just described - more than once.