Monday, November 27, 2006

Favorite Cartoons - great posting idea!

Okay ~ first you need to know I have a wierd sense of humor. I enjoy cartoons that not only make me laugh but keep me doing that secret smile or audible laugh all day long. I really don't care if I get a sideways look from some stranger who thinks it's inappropriate to crack up in the line at the bank or in an elevator. Yeah, I have had people take a step away after one of my unprovoked giggles. I feel sad for them : (

All time favorite cartoon is Calvin & Hobbes, I still remember the last day it appeared in the paper. I was quite depressed. Luckily technology has stepped in I go to when ever I need to plug in my inner child. I remember one year for Christmas I gave my Mom a sweatshirt that I painted with a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon. She loved it!

TEE HEE HEE - who isn't going to laugh at this kind of humor. HEE HEE in this one I am imaging that I am Hobbes and my little sister is Calvin. Sorry sis, does it bring back memories? At the end Calvin (aka - my sista) is gonna kick my but in the mud. In case your wondering she often did. I just loved how Hobbes would meditate on the big issues of the time. He was so thoughtful in his musings, then as if a switch was flipped he'd get over it and go back to playing or tormenting Calvin. Calvin was always trying to get out of something or justify some rash thing he had done. I could relate to both these characters but had to live vicariously through them because if I had reacted the way they often did I would have spent a lot of time in the Principle's office and my room.

Moving on a close second is my obsession with Felix the Cat and his buddy Poindexter. I don't know if it was the black cat, the bag of tricks, silly music or the bad guys he was always fighting but I loved this comic strip and movie clips. Didn't matter black/white or the later color versions I would laugh till I almost pee'd my pants. For more info here's a cool web site for all things Felix

I start smirking just saying "Poindexter" boy oh boy did the two of them get into a lot of trouble. I have a tape of some of the old shows (thanks sister) that I watch with my kids sometimes, they don't seem to get it? Maybe they are too young, or maybe the humor is to old? I always wished I had a magic bag of tricks, I would have gotten even with so many practical jokers in the neighborhood. Poindexter was the brains of the whole operation and made being a geek seem kind-a-cool. Not that I am admitting to ever having an awkward geeky stage in my adolescence.

Finally, there is the really goofy me who still loved cartoons as an older teenager and thought Hong Kong Phooey was absolutely hysterical. The karate, the silly jobs as part of his disguise, his crazy car, how he always messed up but somehow his disaster was the key to solving the crime. As a bonus he had that cool voice I found it very intriguing.

So there you have it, my childhood/adolescent cartoon fav's. I was influenced by many others but these three best describe who I was and the kind of humor that appealed to me. I don't think my parents really understood although my Mom did like Calvin & Hobbes and it was one area in which we were in agreement. You always looked for those moments as they were few and far between during the "Dark Years".


Unknown said...

Ah who doesn't like Calvin & Hobbes. Indy is Calvin in training, I think. Whenever I think of Poindexter though, its thoughts of the Mystery Date game that pop out.

Tiffani said...

Scatman Crothers was the voice of Hong Kong Phooey and many other animated characters back then. He also acted in movie and tv shows. I was a big fan and was sad when he died!

ArtcTrish said...

Yep...makin me smile! I think I have all the Calvin Collection of books. I had a stuffed bear I drug with me everywhere so I totally related to the relationship!!! TFS!!

*love2scrap* said...

My hubby used to call my first son Calvin when he was a baby/toddler. I think it rubbed off a little too much. I feel like Calvin's mom a lot! Great pick!

loonyhiker said...

I'd forgotten about Felix the Cat. Now I'm humming: Felix the cat, the wonderful wonderful cat. You'd laugh so hard your sides will ache...oh sorry. got carried away! Thanks for the memory..

Meg said...

Love these!! Calvin & Hobbes are classic, I was so sad when they ended, too.

And thanks for the prompt for tomorrow, I'll be using it!

Glynis said...

I was a HUGE Calvin & Hobbes fan too. And I was completely convinced I would have a child like Calvin...luckily, so far, no signs!

Karen said...

Ya gotta love a charachter called Poindexter. Clearly a name for the brains of any outfit.