Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How old would you say you are, if you didn't actually know your age?

Um, Um, yeah I'll admit to fudging the whole age issue sometimes. However, other times I wear it like a badge. In my MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) group I am one of the oldest Mom's and I find it quite cool.

It is surprising to me at times that I am a Mom of four and in my ahem early 40's. In my mind and soul I still feel 28 0r 29. My hubby and closest friends would say I sometimes act like I'm 18, yeah I do have a stubborn, wild streak that pops up now and then.

In truth I hope my thinking and acting will always be 10 years behind my actual age. I plan to go kicking and screaming into my 50's and 60's. I make it a point not to do the math on how old I will be when my last precious child finishes college and my dear hubby and I become official empty nesters.

With any luck and a lot of prayer that day will find me energetic, open minded and ready to take on the world in a whole new way. I don't plan to slow down until the grandkids come! LOL

100 years use to be here.


*love2scrap* said...

yeah!!! another forty something 'young' mom!!!

Karen said...

Denial Jennifer. You can rely on denial. I have been using this strategy for over ten years and I can vouch for it.

loonyhiker said...

I'm kicking and screaming now as I pass the half century mark. Just a hint: it isn't working!!!